The board members of Raysut Cement Company conducted their visit to Raysut Cement Company plant in Salalah
Date Posted: 22-05-2024
With a cost of RO 42,000/- and agreement of supplying additional aids to the private education students at Dhofar Directorate General of Education

With a cost of RO 42,000/- and agreement of supplying additional aids to the private education students at Dhofar Directorate General of Education by RCC as a part of the social responsibility and its interest in educational process. It is the strategic vision of the company and pursuant to the instructions of H.M. the Sultan given to the private sector to contribute effectively to the social responsibility programs and through the efficient partnership with the other governmental institutions and development departments in different fields which reduce and mitigate the sufferings of the nationals. It really reflects the objective feeling of studying the needs of the local community and contributing in such a sector whatever its in a proper way.
In such a respect the D.G. of Education, Dhofar governorate would like to convey his great thanks to RCC for its great and valuable initiatives in supplying and providing the audiovisual aids for a group of Dhofar students who suffer severe weakness in hearing and vision, a matter which can help the students to maintain and use their skills and abilities.
RCC is a real and effective partner which made a number of previous contributions to the support of the educational process in the governorate and still is.