The board members of Raysut Cement Company conducted their visit to Raysut Cement Company plant in Salalah
Date Posted: 22-05-2024
RCC with the Co-operation with Dhofar Environment Implementing Children environmental competitions at Itin tourist passage :-

As a part of its activities during Khareef season, the D.G. of Environment and Climate Affairs at Dhofar governorate with the cooperation with RCC organized and Implemented children Environmental competitions. The competitions included different events such as General questions, painting on faces, different games. The event aims to enhance environment love concept and how to maintain the environment natural resources. They aim to learn the children the different environment of the Sultanate and the biological diversification and the natural life. These events represent a type of Campaigns to plant local and wild trees, beaches cleaning, vegetation monitoring. They aim to spread environmental awareness, culture , and conservation among citizen and residents. They also reflect the Sultanate efforts regarding the environmental conservation.