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RCC Handing over Additional Aids to the Private Education Students at Dhofar Directorate General of Education at a cost of R.O 42,000

Date Posted: Mar 03, 2019

The D.G of Education at Dhofar Governorate organized the ceremony to additional aids to the private education students at Dhofar Directorate General of Education under the auspice of his Excellency the Advisor Mr. Abdullah Aqeel Ahmed Al-Ibrahim acting the Vice-governor of Dhofar on 3 March 2019 (Sunday) morning in coincidence with the world hearing day at the directorate Hall of Manbea Al-Hikma School.

The project cost reached R.O 42,000 offered by RCC as a part of its Social responsibility and its interest in the education process and its strategy vision. This is achieved according to the instructions of his Majesty the Sultan to the private sector to contribute the effectively in the social responsibility and through the effective partnership with the different government institutions.

No doubt, the development in the different fields helps to reduce the burden of the nationals and satisfy the needs of the local community; in addition it contributes in developing this sector in a proper way.

In such a respect, Dr. Al - Waleed bin Saeed bin Sinan Al – Hinai the General Director of Education at Dhofar Governorate has conveyed his great thanks and appreciation to RCC for its valuable initiative to provide additional aids for a group of students of the Governorate who suffer severe weakness in hearing, a matter which helps and support them to improve their educational levels and potential. It’s to assure the fact that, RCC is an effective partner which has a number of previous contributions in supporting the educational process at the Governorates and still it does.