The board members of Raysut Cement Company conducted their visit to Raysut Cement Company plant in Salalah
Date Posted: 22-05-2024
RCC grants scholarships to a number of orphan students and social security families.

His Excellency Shaikh Abdullah bin Saif Al-Mahrooqui, Deputy Governor of Dhofar and the Chairman of the Local Committee of the Omani Authority for Charity works at Dhofar Governorate signed an agreement yesterday morning with RCC represented by Ahmed Bin Yousuf Alawi Al-ibrahim, Chairman of Board of Directors of RCC at the authority Branch of Salalah, to fund some Scholarships for a number of the poor families students including orphan and social security family students and their counter parts who have a limited income, to join Dhofar University in order to obtain (BSc, BAS) and Diplomas in Specializations concerning the work market requirements.
This agreement has been signed within the scope of the Social partnership as a part of the social responsibility program organized by the private sector. Following the signature of the agreement, His Excellency Shaikh, Deputy of Dhofar Governor has awarded RCC a memorial shield because of its distinction in supporting and contributing effectively in the social responsibility with the partnership with the Omani authority for Charity works. This is to follow and achieve the method of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Saeed.
After the signature, His Excellency Shaikh, Deputy of Dhofar Governor and Chairman of the local committee of the Omani Authority for Charity works at Dhofar Governorate, declared that “An agreement was signed between the Omani Authority banch for the Charity works at Dhofar Governorate and RCC, it’s really a good initiative by the Private Sector to support the local community. Through such an agreement the Company shall fund a number of Scholarships distributed o the worthy categories of the Authority. Consequently, the students will be able to continue their studies at Dhofar University. He hopes that new horizons shall be opened for cooperation between private sector and public sector and the vocational community. He hopes that the other company shall follow the example of RCC and have the same initiatives. On the other hand, Ahmed Bin Yousuf Bin Alawi Bin Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, Chairman of Board of Directors, RCC declared that “this agreement is a part of the rights of the Civil Community and the national in the S.A.O.G. Companies. It’s to say that RCC always supports the Civil Community. It allocates a special annual budget to fund such initiatives. We shall always support the private projects and the Chairty works in Dhofar Governorate in particular and in the whole Sultanate in general.