The board members of Raysut Cement Company conducted their visit to Raysut Cement Company plant in Salalah
Date Posted: 22-05-2024
Raysut Cement Company donate after the cycolne Mekunu

Abiding by the great love of our country Oman and its beloved leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.
Raysut Cement Company has decided to help reducing and mitigating the devastating damages and effects of the Cyclonic Storm (Mekunu) as part of the national and loyal efforts made by the public and private institutions and departments.
Raysut Cement Company donates five hundred thousand (500 000) Omani Rial in cash and five thousand seven hundred (5700) tons of cement estimating at 130 000 Omani Rial to rehabilitate the damaged areas and to help the effected people.
The chairman board of directors Shaikh Ahmed bin Yousuf bin Alawi Bin Abdullah Al-Ibrahim confirmed that such a decision has resulted from our national duty as a private sector towards our beloved country Oman.
He hopes that all potential and capable companies should take such an important step to contribute in mitigating the impacts of Cyclonic Storm (Mekunu).
May Allah the almighty keep Oman safe under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said the great founder of modern Oman and May Allah the almighty keep our people, the residents and all of Oman safe.