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Honoring trainees in the course (working in high places using safety belts) under the supervision of the HSE Department

Date Posted: Dec 25, 2018

Regarding the importance to care of the different categories of the staff at Raysut Cement Company and to very keen to educate the employees in the field of security and safety, a course has been organized to educate employees on how to work on the high places, the course was organized by HSE department including the definition of dangers to work at high places and to use the safety belt and how to check it as well as explanation of the general safety procedures.

19 specialized employees in such a field participated in the course.

At the end of the course the participants were awarded.

It’s to be mentioned that such a course is a part of the annual program organized by the company in such afield aiming to enrich and enhance the safety and security culture of the employees.