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With RCC Support The final competition of the training workshop in the field of leather Industry at Wafa Social Centre Salalah

Date Posted: Apr 19, 2017

On Monday, 20th

March 2017, at Al-Wafa Centre for rehabilitation of handicapped children at Dhofar Governorate the training workshop in the field of leather industry held during the period from 5th March – 20th

March 2017 was completed under the auspice of Mr. AHMED BIN Salim Al-Mishaki, Director of Social Development Department Salalah, whereas he awarded certificates to all 30 trainee participants at Al-Wafa Centre with the co-operation with handicraft industry management at Dhofar.

            The workshop was part of “Wafa” program supported by RCC. It has targeted rehabilitation categories and those who join the vocational qualification divisions at Salalah, Taqah, and Marbat Centers for training on the use of the leathers and their reuse in different art shapes.

            It’s to be mentioned that, “Wafa” program with the support of RCC includes activities, courses and qualifying program, implemented annually by Al-Wafa Social Centre, among such activities the International day of the handicapped, down syndrome 21th March and Autism day 2nd

April and others, as well as the training courses in the field of leather and Candle industries, flower assorting, trade and Pottery.

            This program aims to maintain the basic handicapped rights in the Society including education, rehabilitation and employment so that they become more integral in the Society participants, independents, and Self dependents to manage their own needs and Concern by giving them opportunities to prove their skills and personalities.